Interview with Avora Skyfallen the leader of Red Rose.

Find out where Rose Shields comes from.


Interview with Avora Skyfallen, the leader of Red Rose.


Is there a person who has never dreamed of a Rose Shield?

Have any of you imagined receiving an item made especially for you or your guild? IT’S A REAL DREAM!


This month we bring a big surprise to the Tibian community, an interview with Avora Skyfallen, the leader of  the Red Rose, one of the oldest guilds of Tibia. In this interview you can read about amazing items and guildhall recieved from Cipsoft in honor of the guild.


See the full interview prepared by dear Anna / Norelli below!

In Tibia’s earliest days, before accounts, before rentable guildhalls, before even the introduction of Carlin, Kazordoon or any other town other than Thais (Tibia city), there where few guilds that lasted. Those that did were awarded with their own guildhall and rare keys to open them. A few of these guilds were given the honor of having their own special item as an award. Only three of these received the honor: the Krael guild, the Red Rose and the Mercenaries. Only a few copies of these items were ever made, and those few were awarded to those individuals who truly were worthy to receive the honor of owning one. Over time the rare rewards, Krael shield, Rose shield, Rose armor, and Mercenary shield were given out [1].



The interview took place at the Guildhall of the Red Rose

Enjoy the interview!


How did you find or hear about Tibia?

My cousin told me about it back in 1999. He was already playing by then and I was roped in to play with him.

What was the first world you started on?

Although I really started on Antica, which was simply called ‘Tibia’ back then in 1999. I consider my official start when the world Libera was launched in 2002, or was it 2003? Let’s just call it a long time ago.

How was your guild the Red Rose started and when did you join?

The Red Rose was founded many years before the official Guild system was included in the game on the 07th December 1998 when Lostboy and Virgel decided it would be a good idea to found a guild. I joined the Guild in April 2013 this was also the year I decided to return to Antica after a 13 year absence.

How did you advance to leader of Red Rose guild?

With difficulty, devotion, love and an undying loyalty towards the Guild. I spent almost two years as a “Novicium“, I was during most of those two years regrettably, inactive due to a big change in real life. However, I was welcomed back with open arms into a pretty difficult time in the Red Rose’s history where activity was very low and there were just a few of us left to carry on and keep bringing honour to the name.

What is the story of Guildhall of the Red Rose? How was it created?

The Guildhall of the Red Rose was originally designed by Lostboy (possibly together with Virgel, accounts differ on that matter), who designed the entire island of Fibula. He also made the maps and CIP chose to include them in the game. He/they designed the Red Rose Guildhallthe Mercenarys towerthe Fibula barthe dungeonOpa Wetterwachs tower, in short, everything with the exception of Octavian’s housethe Fibula Villa. Mind you, this was before the house system was included in the game. Back when you had Keys to open your ‘own’ house. Lostboy handled the providing of the keys for CIP.

I know from my own experience it’s not easy to keep guildhall because of amount of vice leaders and premium accounts…Have you ever lost Guildhall of the Red Rose?

I’m sorry to hear that you’ve had hard times with keeping vice leaders & premium accounts. The Guildhall of the Red Rose has never been lost and vice leaders/premium accounts have luckally, never been an issue for us.

I heard that the Red Rose organize events inside the guildhall, who is invited to such events? When was the last event?

You heard correct, we host a bunch of different events every year, the largest one being our yearly anniversary. These events used to be open to everyone, although with the Tibian landscape looking the way it does these days, we have regrettably experienced sabotage to our Guildhall and our events if we decide to have them open to the public. We therefore have a standing list of Guilds & people we invite to these events, they may of course also bring friends of theirs which they vouch for. New Guilds, friends & general people can be added to this list if they show an interest and are trustworthy. We also hold smaller events, such as the Literature Showroom which can be compared with a bookclub, this started out as members only, but after having invited a few friends who have shown an interest, anyone may be invited. Although you have to reach out to a Rose to receive an invite. The most recent event was a football game to which we invited Satori. The last major event was the Red Rose Anniversary of 2019. Previously, we have also hosted the famous Miss Fibula beauty pageant. The most recent one was hosted in 2016 in cooperation with several fansites. We have had thoughts about reviving this tradition and making it a yearly thing.

Could you tell us more about RR anniversary which you guys celebrate every year?

Sure! Besides the obvious fact that we celebrate the founding of the Guild, we invite people, Guilds, fansites & friends to attend these festivities. The Guildhall receives an overhaul when it comes to decoration in order to fit everyone, rather snug I might add. During these events, we can see the number of guests climb around the 300-500 people range. Games are being hosted, awards are given out. During previous years, some fansites have held lotteries and contributed with prizes for the games.

Who decorates Guildhall of the Red Rose and prepares it for events? 

Members decorate the Guildhall, usually a team is given the task to prepare it for events with decorations depending on what type of event will be held. The team is often managed by a senior fullmember or a member of the Council.

Does your guild own any other guildhalls?

Yes, the Red Rose also owns the Fibula Clanhall, which the “Novicium” are in charge of keeping organised, decorated & in good condition. This is a practice which was put in place somewhere around 2016 to further the team spirit, general teamwork & to give the “Novicium” a standing project/task which would be worked on continuously to make sure that they bond with each other, making the bond even stronger when they reach the rank of “Inceptor“.

Guildhall of the Red Rose is not the only one gift from Cipsoft to Red Rose. A few the oldest guilds where given the honor of having their own special item as an award. Can you tell us what items Red Rose received?

The Guildhall of the Red Rose was a gift indeed, but as mentioned previously, it was also linked to Lostboy’s designing of Fibula. Besides the Guildhall, another two gifts were bestowed upon the Red Rose. Those were the Red Rose Shield and the Red Rose Armor. The armor is known these days as the Noble Armor.

Do you know who designed Rose shield and Rose armor?

Both of these items were designed by the Roses; Lightbringer Genesis SE (who these days goes by Tharanis). When it comes to the Red Rose shield, Genesis SE made the Rose in the middle of the shield and Lighbringer made the background including the border contour.

Did the appearance of these items change over time?

Yes, they did. These items received the same sprite change as most other items suffered with time. The Rose Shield, for example, started with the RR printed on it, which was later removed. Then it was reworked again and received a smoother sprite. The Rose Armor, with time, became the Noble Armor we know today, and its sprite has also changed with time.

Images of the different looks of the Rose shield through the history [2]:

ImageImage Rose Shield

The original Rose armor:

Noble Armor(old)

How many Rose shields exist in the game? Are they located only on Antica?

I’m afraid that is a closely guarded secret, although I can tell you that there are less than 10 and they are all on Antica.

Do you know how many are exposed to see for everyone?

Currently, two Rose Shields are on display, one just in the house next to this Guildhall. The second one is located in my house in Carlin.

Is it true, that only guild members own Rose shield? Is it possible to obtain shield by normal player who is not member of the guild?

Yes, all of the Rose Shields are in the hands of Red Rose members. One shield was lost for a very long time, but was returned to us. The only way to obtain a Rose Shield is by purchasing one from one of the Roses who hold them, I highly doubt that any shieldholder will accept any bid, no matter how large. In order to receive a shield or armor back then, Lightbringer had to call on the Gods who would appear and create one armor or shield. The shields and armors however, came at a hefty cost of 50 backpacks filled with gold coins (100k) for each shield or armor. (There were no platinum or crystal coins back then). The backpacks were given to a CIP employee and the transactions took place at the Thais harbour & CIP threw the backpacks into the water one by one. Mind you, during these days a firesword cost 6k gold and was one of the best swords in the game. Roughly one or two years later, CIP decided to make these items rewards for some new quests which were being implemented into the game, and with that the Rose Shield lost the ‘RR’ letters. Perhaps luckily for us, the Shield was never implemented as a quest reward.

Do you have a final message for the people reading this interview?

I’d like to thank you both the Red Rose’s and my behalf for your interest and requesting this interview. The Red Rose is reaching its 22nd anniversary this year, stronger and more active than it’s been in a long time. We are currently open for applications, so in case you want to join us you can go to our forum page and write an application, we’ll be happy to get to know you [3]. Also, on a side note. Should you be interested, we’d be happy to extend an invite to this years Anniversary for your fansite.

Thank you for the invitation and for this interview. It was nice talking with you!

The pleasure has been mine. Again, thank you for the interest! And thanks to Mikolaj for the introduction.


G U I L D  H A L L  O F  T H E  R E D  R O S E 

G R O U N D  F L O O R

There is the sort of general hang-out area on the ground floor where you can order food and drinks from the bar. At the entrance, you will always find the latest issue of the Antican Times.

G U I L D  H A L L  O F  T H E  R E D  R O S E 

F I R S T  F L O O R

There is an altar on the first floor where members of Red Rose pray to Banor, their saviour. The West Room is usually reserved for members of the rank of Eques or higher. They also have a small collection of items on the balcony.

G U I L D  H A L L  O F  T H E  R E D  R O S E


Guild meetings are held in the basement. In the place where taboret is located, an applicant sits during the interview before he knows whether he will join the guild or be rejected. There is a general trophy room in the northern hall, it is a mixture of an internal joke and actual awards given out during the anniversaries past. They exhibit different trophies and change them from time to time. The library is in the eastern room.

F I B U L A  C L A N H A L L

G R O U N D  F L O O R

Clanhall is being created for the “Novicium“. They realize their own little projects there.

F I B U L A  C L A N H A L L

F I R S T  F L O O R

On the first floor there is a room with books/scripts written by members & attendees of the Literature Showroom events.

F I B U L A  C L A N H A L L


In the basement there is a bedroom with five beds. We can also see dummies for training skills there.


Almost all of the houses on Fibula are owned by members of the Red Rose. Below are screenshots of the houses where we can see Rose Shield.

E A S T  L A N E  1 B  ( C A R L I N )

O W N E D  B Y  A V O R A  S K Y F A L L E N

A small house with one of the most valuable items in the game. This collection is definitely worth seeing.

F I B U L A  V I L L A G E  1

O W N E D  B Y  N A T U R E S  L O R D

The house is located next to Guildhall of the Red Rose. Inside, we can see as valuable items as in the first house.


I would like to thank Avora Skyfallen and his entire Red Rose guild for a great interview, Natienya Firanya for translating the interview into Portuguese, and Mikolaj for helping with the entire article writing process.







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