Mural of Decorators – Alanui


Alanui, founder of the AGC and the Alanui Institute, is pioneer in the research of artistic and behavioral relations, with field research in Antica, and the involvement in alternative learning mechanisms. She is fascinated by human behavior in general. Lover of everything that links design, is an art critic and has some works in progress for publication. With an extensive amount of service provision throughout Tibia, she also works as a teacher at Loremasters. She believes that unity, good communication from leaders, combined with good projects are capable of changing the world. She is also chairwoman of TAC – Thais Actors Council, and believes faithfully in the influence and value of theater, and the work in shaping the world in which we live. It is in favor of artistic freedom and new methodological forms of teaching. She is a true education enthusiast, and believes that education is always the best option.

Do you remember your first day when you fall in love in decorating? Can you tell us short story about that?

I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember I lived in Carlin a long time ago, and right under the Seaside Hostel there was a bar. I would pretend owned it by then. I decorated the bar every day and I loved having my friends there. The most interesting thing about the decoration itself is its purpose… It’s the art of receiving, gathering and providing.

What is the most important thing in decorating for you?

It is very sad to decorate and develop a visual aesthetic project just for you. I believe that the whole process, including the construction, must be thought about sharing. People have the right to make a great design for themselves, but wouldn’t it be much more interesting to develop collective environments?

What are the most beautiful houses you have ever made or which one did you like the most?

Hard question. Each house I make represents a moment, But I believe that the most striking project I had was to receive an invitation from the Satori to decorate the legendary Castle of the Winds in Ab’dendriel, it was very important for me. I can’t forget to mention my island in Zao, the place where I got married and is the Alanui Resort nowadays. I believe that the most original and interesting house I have ever seen was Ceori’s old house in Carlin, at the time Seaside Hostel, where he decorated the house with a very minimalist footprint, and right on the terrace he created a wine winery. Spectacular!

What is your favorite decorating item?

I like many, but one that I found recently is the lion mosaic. It fills the wall in an unique way, as if it was a wallpaper. I believe that Tibia should invest in more items that provide this effect. It would be interesting to put some options in the Store. In addition, another item that is fantastic is the floor mirror, a great pity that it is in restricted places.

What is a “must-have” in a good decoration for you?

Coherence. It is very beautiful and respectable someone who understands the history of the place where it is inserted in. Let’s take as an example someone who lives in an Ankrahmun pyramid, and decorate the house with ice cubes. Does not make sense.

What inspires you to create your decorations?

I see my creative process as the result of a mood. There are times when I want something minimalist, simple, intimate… in others I want exuberant details, great monuments… Sometimes I receive a request for decoration that my mood at the moment does not match what I am willing to project at that moment, so I make it a point to make it clear. I usually ask for time to do it. it’s a whole process… Art is not created overnight.

What usually annoys you while decorating?

I believe that the most annoying thing that happens in the decorating process is the terrible resource that Tibia offers to view store items. It’s like that game that needs to hit the cup to know where the ball is… We need to keep looking at each slot to know what has to be placed. I find this a lack of respect for people who work hard to spend their money on store items, and they get thrown in anyway. We know that financial resources are a powerful voice in the game today… So do it right.

What is your favorite Store item?

Certainly are the carpets. It was a great asset for those who appreciate art and decoration.

When it comes to decorate, what is the most difficulty thing for you?

I believe that the hardest part of a decorating process is when you need a specific item that you can only find in a place far away and you need to push it away… in addition to being a long process many times, there is not a time that I am not praying not to find any soul that wants to hinder me along the way… A great mental work is required.