Adventures of a decorator – Man in the cave Episode

Hail Durin!

Today’s adventure will be in honor of Christmas, a date of great joy, the moment for reuniting with family, drinking all that we can, arguing with that sexist uncle, getting wasted… Wait, hold on! Jokes aside, Christmas is always a fun time where everyone gets in that happy and peaceful mood! <3 

This time, we will talk about one of the cutest bosses of the game and the one with the most hilarious story in all of Tibia: the famous Man in the Cave!

Let’s start by talking a little bit about the story that originates this boss. In August 2006, Tibia was at its peak. The game had many players, the dwarf caves were always highly demanded, and summoning Monks and Orc Leaders to help in the hunt was a common thing to do.

A player called Frack’Heart (check out the apostrophe in the character’s name, old school much?) was happily hunting with his monk when a noob started roping the summon up, leaving the young wizard very upset. Thinking he was in his right to do so, he decided to go to the forum and file a complaint, asking GMs for help. As nothing, nor anyone is taken seriously in Tibia, he became the butt of the joke, and the post had over 160 pages of people laughing at the situation.

Link to the post

Cipsoft took advantage of the whole situation, and the legendary roping guy ended up becoming a boss within the game, the rope man – Man in the Cave! <3

Funny things aside, what draws my attention to it is the loot and the phrases shouted by the boss. Among the dropped items, for those who do not know, there are usually 3 ropes (hehe), a Brown Piece of Cloth, and sometimes a Mercenary Sword or a shard. If you are lucky enough, though, you will loot the item of today’s post: the Fur Cap! 😀

About the words that the boss shouts, I believe that’s the part that even Cipsoft couldn’t avoid making fun of the player from the forum. They are: THE MONKS ARE MINE!; I will rope you up! All of you!; You have been roped up!; A MIC to rule them all!; Have you seen my old pal Frack?. 

I mean, “the monks are mine!”? That’s genius, isn’t it?! LOL thanks for making us laugh Cipsoft. Now, shall we move on to our adventure?

Happy Hunting, Hunters!

Happy Hunting, Hunters!


Where to find it?

The spawn is in Svargrond, in the mountains of Hrodmir. There is no access quest required. You only need the spell Levitate or else take 12 parcels with you to climb the mountain. Bellow, we’ll put some images of the path. It is the same route you’d take to kill the Ice Golem boss from the Paw and Fur – Hunting Elite Quest.

The Ice Golem boss is called Shardhead.

About the cooldown, it is a very short one, similar to Dharalion, which we talked about in our last adventure. It happens between 12 to 25 days. 

Now, pay attention as we explain the mechanics of the whole thing.

The Battle!

Well, there isn’t much mechanics to it really. To know if the boss is there, you have to be lucky enough to be pulled up when passing the specific SQM or else pay attention to the words shouted by the boss and its summons (Monk). These are the utterances we discussed in the part that we were telling you about the story of the boss.

Words shouted by the Monk

Words shouted by the Man in the Cave

Note that, even though we are giving examples of players who are already inside the cave, everyone can see the phrases that hint at the presence of the boss from outside of the cave. We are sorry for not having videos for all of the utterances. We were planning to shoot it before the post was up, but the life of a boss hunter is full of surprises… The boss spawned on the first day of High Chance, another guy killed it and ended up with our plans… LOL.

Now that you know what the boss shouts out, we are going to show you how to get “ropped up” to face it. In the first video, the boss will pull the player. In the second one, the player asked Tuffi to pull him up, showing that it’s possible to call your friend to take a screenshot with you and the boss. <3

Pulled up by the boss

Pulled up by a friend

As you can see in the videos, you should walk on those SQMs until the boss pulls you up so that you can fight it.

Fur Cap

This beautiful item used a lot in Christmas decorations is the only item from this boss that players are eager to get. The price varies a lot between 2 to 6kk depending on the server and how the market is doing.

Now, we’ll let you with this video featuring Tuffi Moon, the sweetheart that interacts with you on our Instagram (@tibiahome).

See you on our next adventure! Hopefully, everyone liked this little tutorial! <3


Translation by Luiz Felipe Lipert

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